The first lesson will go through the first 10,000 years of beer’s history in very little detail! Just kidding, sort of. Beer’s history is long and interesting. Knowing a little about this history will help to understand all the different styles you see on the shelves today. We will chat about this history and how beer has come to be what it is. Since much of beer's history wasn't written down, some of the stories we'll discuss might even be true!
Was porter named after the folks who loaded boats in London?
Did the people of Plzen really throw all the beer down the sewer to protest the crap quality?
What is a saison anyway?
This first lesson will focus primarily on the role of yeast. You can make beer without barley, or hops. I've had beer made from birch sap in place of water. But, without yeast, beer would be watery porridge.
Grain will be a secondary focus of this lesson.
With the 2 above focuses we can explore and appreciate many styles of beer.
You will learn about different ale yeast strains, and how different strains affect the flavour of beer.
You will learn about different grains, and why a brewer might choose one from another.
You will learn to distinguish between an ale and a lager by sight and taste.
You will be more confident reading labels at the beer store. You'll be able to anticipate the flavours based on the style printed on the can.
If we have time, we'll venture into the world of mixed fermentations.
Depending on what's available on the day of the lesson you'll taste 6-8 beers. 32 oz. total. There will also be snacks provided.
Lesson 2 will focus on the role of hops, and will attempt to answer the question: Is Alexander Keith's IPA really an IPA?